オープンからわずか1年でミシュラン一つ星獲得。 「料理は素材を選ぶところから始まる」を信条に、日本全国から届く四季折々の食材の 鮮度にこだわり、最高の旬の食材を厳しく選りすぐるところから惜しみなく情熱を傾けています。その厳選された素材の味をそのまま最大限に引き出し、必要なことは完璧に、一切の妥協はなく仕上げます。 香り豊かでこだわり抜かれた一つ一つのお料理は、 胃袋はもちろん心にも深く沁み渡ります。

心のこもったお料理と温かいホスピタリティ。ちょっと贅沢なひとときをゆったりと堪能すれば、明日への活力が湧き上がります。 是非一度お試しください。


Ichita [Tokyo]

・「記念日」などでご利用の場合、 《鯛赤飯》のご用意が可能です。購入時に追加をご選択ください。
cancellation policy

Our store

AOYAMA346 101, 3-4-6 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo

Gochimeshi Exclusive

"Gochimeshi Exclusive" is a special treat where you can make a reservation and a set of dishes from a well-known restaurant that everyone longs for and can't make a reservation.

You can send a meal to your best friend, your parents' wedding anniversary, or any other special occasion. Of course, you can also come to the store with your companion, such as your partner's birthday.


Purchase a seat at Gochimeshi Exclusive and enjoy your meal at the store on the day of your reservation.

If you tell us the name of the person who purchased the food, the person who received the seat can eat without paying.

A special meal as a gift

I want to treat my loved ones to a meal. We want you to enjoy a special meal on a special day.

In such a case, please purchase a seat on this site and visit the store on the reservation date. Your seat is reserved and your meal is ready.

No in-store payment.

(Please pay for additional orders at the store.)
