美味しさと遊び心あふれた楽しみがぎゅっと詰まったお店。 テレビドラマ「孤独のグルメ シーズン6」最終回への登場で知名度が一気に全国区まで広まり予約困難店へ。そんなお店の予約を叶えます。 高級食材を惜しげもなく使っても下品にならず温もりの感じられる料理。 視覚・嗅覚・味覚を刺激するオリジナル料理は、お祭りみたいに気分が上がること必至。 とだか名物「ウニ・オン・ザ・煮玉子」は必食です! 「ウニ・オン・ザ・煮玉子」のトッピングのこぼれそうないくらを目にして、食して、自然と笑みもこぼれます。 肩肘貼らずに楽しむ大切さを実感。 一体感も味わえる夜を寂しがり屋さんへプレゼントするのも一興です。

Restaurant Todaka [Tokyo]


cancellation policy

Our store

1-9-3 B1, Nishi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo

Gochimeshi Exclusive

"Gochimeshi Exclusive" is a special treat where you can make a reservation and a set of dishes from a well-known restaurant that everyone longs for and can't make a reservation.

You can send a meal to your best friend, your parents' wedding anniversary, or any other special occasion. Of course, you can also come to the store with your companion, such as your partner's birthday.


Purchase a seat at Gochimeshi Exclusive and enjoy your meal at the store on the day of your reservation.

If you tell us the name of the person who purchased the food, the person who received the seat can eat without paying.

A special meal as a gift

I want to treat my loved ones to a meal. We want you to enjoy a special meal on a special day.

In such a case, please purchase a seat on this site and visit the store on the reservation date. Your seat is reserved and your meal is ready.

No in-store payment.

(Please pay for additional orders at the store.)
