低温で20分かけて揚げる匠の技はトンカツというよりも、もはや別のジャンルの料理と捉えるべき完成度であり、水分を保った瑞々しい揚げ物「成蔵料理」。 サクっとした後にきめ細かくてシュルシュルと溶ける白く淡雪のような衣に痺れます。ヒレの真ん中を使ったシャトーブリアンならぬ 名物・シャ豚(トン)ブリアンはヒレとは思えない肉汁のジューシーさと甘み。飲み込めてしまいそうな柔らかさ。食後感はとてもさっぱりしています。豚以外の揚げ物も隙のないおいしさ。人気の「ささみかつ」、「エビフライ」、「牡蠣フライ」、「鱧」(季節商品)素材自体のポテンシャルを十二分に引き出していて、感動と共に強く記憶に残ります。

「とんかつの概念を変えた」とまで言われる 一度はお試しいただきたい名店です。

Tonkatsu Narikura [Tokyo]

¥6,050 (2 pork cutlets) / ¥7,590 (3 pork cutlets)
cancellation policy

Our store

4-33-9 Narita Higashi, Suginami Ward, Tokyo

Gochimeshi Exclusive

"Gochimeshi Exclusive" is a special treat that you can enjoy as a set with a reservation, or as a gift for yourself or with your companions.

You can send a meal to your best friend, your parents' wedding anniversary, or any other special occasion. Of course, you can also come to the store with your companion, such as your partner's birthday.


Purchase a seat at Gochimeshi Exclusive and enjoy your meal at the store on the day of your reservation.

If you tell us the name of the person who purchased the food, the person who received the seat can eat without paying.

A special meal as a gift

I want to treat my loved ones to a meal. We want you to enjoy a special meal on a special day.

In such a case, please purchase a seat on this site and visit the store on the reservation date. Your seat is reserved and your meal is ready.

No in-store payment.

(Please pay for additional orders at the store.)
