「焼肉すどう 春吉」の前身となる「焼肉すどう」は、2013年に熊本に誕生。
その噂を聞きつけた食通たちに一気に広がり、一躍人気店の仲間入りを果たし、2016年に満を持して福岡へ進出。現在では食べログ福岡県焼肉部門 一位の座に上り詰めました。
当店の店主・須藤悦男氏は、東京の名店「焼肉 くにもと」出身。彼がこだわり抜いて厳選した九州産黒毛和牛の雌牛を中心に、素材に応じたカット・味付け・火入れで、あらゆる部位を絶頂の状態を楽しませてくれる「焼師」というスタッフがフルアテンド。お客様の目の前で完璧に焼き上げてくれます。焼肉屋さんとはいえ、スタイリッシュな空間の店内も特徴です。

Yakiniku Sudo Haruyoshi [Fukuoka]

・表示は 上焼肉コース1名様分の税込価格です。
cancellation policy

Our store

3-11-19 Haruyoshi, Chuo Ward, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture

Panorama Square Hakata

Gochimeshi Exclusive

"Gochimeshi Exclusive" is a special treat that you can enjoy as a set with a reservation, or as a gift for yourself or with your companions.

You can send a meal to your best friend, your parents' wedding anniversary, or any other special occasion. Of course, you can also come to the store with your companion, such as your partner's birthday.


Purchase a seat at Gochimeshi Exclusive and enjoy your meal at the store on the day of your reservation.

If you tell us the name of the person who purchased the food, the person who received the seat can eat without paying.

A special meal as a gift

I want to treat my loved ones to a meal. We want you to enjoy a special meal on a special day.

In such a case, please purchase a seat on this site and visit the store on the reservation date. Your seat is reserved and your meal is ready.

No in-store payment.

(Please pay for additional orders at the store.)
