2007年に「よろにく」を創業した桑原 VANNE 秀幸さんは、まさに和牛の持つ可能性を広げ焼肉の概念を変え、世界のトップシェフ達がこぞって来店するようなレストランにまで押し上げた立役者といえます。というのも、ここ最近の焼肉のトレンドはほとんどこの方が発案したといっても過言でないからです。 肉によって焼く温度をかえる・一口ご飯を巻いて食べる・卵黄を絡める・お肉の味をさらに昇華させるためフォアグラやトリュフを使用する…などなど、よろにくが焼肉の新しい食し方を再定義したとも言われています。 また落ち着いた店内では、お肉を熟知した店員さんが一枚一枚丹精込めて焼いてくださいます。

Minami Aoyama Yoroniku [Tokyo]

・表示は 1名様分の税込価格です。
・未就学児のご利用 /時間変更 /コース変更 /ご購入後の人数変更は承れません。あらかじめご了承ください。
cancellation policy

Our store

Luna Rossa Minami Aoyama B1, 6-6-22 Minami Aoyama, Minato Ward, Tokyo

Gochimeshi Exclusive

"Gochimeshi Exclusive" is a special treat that you can enjoy as a set with a reservation, or as a gift for yourself or with your companions.

You can send a meal to your best friend, your parents' wedding anniversary, or any other special occasion. Of course, you can also come to the store with your companion, such as your partner's birthday.


Purchase a seat at Gochimeshi Exclusive and enjoy your meal at the store on the day of your reservation.

If you tell us the name of the person who purchased the food, the person who received the seat can eat without paying.

A special meal as a gift

I want to treat my loved ones to a meal. We want you to enjoy a special meal on a special day.

In such a case, please purchase a seat on this site and visit the store on the reservation date. Your seat is reserved and your meal is ready.

No in-store payment.

(Please pay for additional orders at the store.)
