Ushimatsu Gochimeshi Exclusive Reservation-hard-to-book restaurant Nishiazabu Reservation-hard-to-make reservation website
Yakiniku Ushimatsu : Enjoy the finest Kuroge Wagyu beef at its best

Sorry to have kept you waiting, everyone. Nishiazabu's "Yakiniku Ushimatsu" is back for the second time!

"I want to eat really delicious yakiniku." If that sounds like you, please come and visit Ushimatsu.
We offer carefully selected, seasonal, premium Kuroge Wagyu beef at its most delicious.

Executive chef Tatsuro Hirakubo trained in the kitchen of one of the most famous restaurants in Japan, Yakiniku Shimizu, and continued to pursue what makes yakiniku delicious, eventually opening his long-awaited Yakiniku Ushimatsu in 2020. After gaining experience in the food and beverage industry in a variety of genres, he is constantly exploring the possibilities of Wagyu beef.

This time, the seats for January 2024 will be announced soon.
Perfect for New Year's parties and get-togethers with friends!
If the date suits you, please consider it.
January 9, 2024 2 people 17:00-19:30 (max 4 people)
January 22, 2024 2 people 17:00-19:30 (max 4 people)
・Course meal (including the popular "bound tongue")
・If you have any food allergies or dislikes, please be sure to contact the store.
(We cater for soy, wheat flour and shellfish allergies)
・We ask that children who cannot eat adult meals refrain from visiting our restaurant.
・For anniversaries, we will provide a message plate free of charge. We can also accommodate requests on the day.

 We will announce the latest information on the release of seats in our Newsletter . If you have not yet registered as a member, please do so as soon as possible.

Gochimeshi Exclusive Official X (formerly Twitter) is here
